Click below to read more about each confirmed speaker attending the 2024 National Scleroderma Conference.
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Dr. Sindhu Johnson
Rheumatologist and Clinician-Scientist at the University Health Network and Sinai Health Systems. She is Directorship of the Toronto Scleroderma Program and an Associate Professor of Medicine at the University of Toronto. She is also the Associate Director of the Clinical Epidemiology and Health Care Research Program at the University of Toronto.
Dr. Danielle Rice
Clinical Psychologist who studied at McGill University. Broadly, her research centres on health psychology and patient engagement in research. Her doctoral research focuses on the experience of caring for a loved one with scleroderma, with the ultimate goal of developing resources to decrease the burden that can be associated with caregiving.

Dr. Mo Osman
Dr. Mohammed Osman grew up in Halifax, Nova Scotia where he attended Dalhousie University until moving to Alberta to further his education. Dr. Osman is a rheumatologist and clinical immunologist interested in connective tissues diseases, immune dysregulation and immune deficiencies.