
As a Sponsor at the Premier level, your company will receive the following in exchange for its generous support of Scleroderma Canada’s 21st Bi-Annual National Scleroderma Conference, gathering hundreds of patients, families, caregivers, friends, and medical professionals.
Opportunity to address the audience during the opening ceremony
Complimentary exhibitor space & premium location at the Marketplace
10 Complimentary registrations & a table for 10 at the Social Evening Event
Opportunity to introduce a keynote speaker
Company logo on conference website with a link to your company website
Company logo on all promotional/print materials for conference duration
Full page dedicated to recognizing your company in the conference program
Formal recognition during opening & closing ceremonies
Engagement through social media in compliance of Canadian regulations
Opportunity to include two company promotional items in conference kit bag
For more information, please contact:
John Malcolmson, Executive Director SC
Telephone Number: 519-761-1532
Karol Bedoya-Carvajal, Conference Coordinator SC
Telephone Number: 866- 279- 0632